Best Practices - Expectations for Online Instructors

Facilitation Expectations for Online Instructors

Once your course is developed, the expectations below (adapted from the eCampus MOU) are reflective of widely recognized best practices and quality guidelines and can also serve as a helpful checklist to you prior to, during, and after the semester.

Prior to the beginning of the semester:

  • Ensure that the syllabus in the LMS includes:

    • Office hours including virtual ones.

    • An e-mail address and phone number.

    • Anticipated turnaround times on emails, assignments, and assessments.

    • Detailed proctored testing information if proctored exams are required.

    • Times and dates for any synchronous meetings.

  • Send a welcome message via the LMS Email Tool prior to the start of the class explaining course requirements.

  • Create a detailed class Calendar in the LMS by including due dates in the Assignments, Quizzes, and Discussion tools.

  • Make arrangements for any proctored exams and add this information to the schedule of classes (before students register) and the syllabus.

During the semester:

  • Prepare students for midterm and final exams through clear instructions (example questions, sample problems, study guides, and review sessions).

  • Make midterm and final exam questions, create exams, and check for appropriateness prior to exam release.

  • Review statistics on questions after exams to identify low success questions. Make scoring adjustments as needed if questions were incorrect, easily misconstrued, or if the assessed content was not covered.

  • Monitor student progress and reach out to students who are at-risk.

  • Reach out to students who are performing poorly and provide appropriate assistance and encouragement.

  • Maintain a presence online at least one hour a day, at least five days per week.

  • Respond to student questions and emails within 24 hours (48 hours weekends).

  • Provide frequent input and constructive feedback to students. Post five or more substantive discussion messages each week.

  • Be flexible and understanding of students’ outside commitments. Provide opportunities for success, such as dropping of lowest quiz score, or occasionally providing alternate activities for students who miss an assignment.

  • Require students to submit assignments through LMS whenever feasible for documentary purposes.

  • Post all grades to the LMS Grades Tool within four days and no longer than one week.

  • Submit grades for your institution's Early Warning Program by the posted deadline.

  • Provide timely feedback that encourages student learning and persistence. Provide specific and descriptive feedback with all graded assignments, reviewing what the student did well and what the student needs to do to improve performance on future assignments.

  • If you must be away from the class for more than three days, notify the students and let your dean or chair know.

At the end of the semester:

  • Notify your students two weeks prior to the end of the semester to complete the course evaluation. If possible, offer some type of reward for completing it.

  • Submit final grades by the posted deadline and follow guidelines posted by the institution.

  • Review assignments and grades to identify the material on which students need to improve their performance. If needed, update the assignments for the next semester.

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). (n.d.). Retrieved from