Welcome to Personalized Professional Development & Refinement


Watch the video for important information!

How would you like to learn today?

Solo mission

Go ahead and get started!

buddy system

You can do this on Teams or in person at the school. Make sure you are following guidelines of social distancing and/or wearing masks.

plc fam

  • Go into Teams

  • Today's code to join team: qt1suqg

  • Click the PLC you want to join

TO Do:

  1. Make a copy of the Digital Learning Journal (all teachers need their own even if working with others)

  2. Share this journal with Miller.Julia@westada.org now

Digital Learning Journal

This journal will go with you throughout the stepping stones.

What are we learning, doing, and applying today?

There are 6 stepping stones we will be going through today. You can go at your own pace. There will be a coach and 2 principals to support you if you have any questions. If you feel like you don't need to complete a stepping stone, feel free to šŸ Fast Track and just fill out the Digital Journal. Enjoy your day of Personalized PD! You can go in any order, but it makes the most linear sense to start at 1 and progress in numerical order.