
Who I Am:

Hi! My name is Hrithi Bhattacharya and I'm a Bengali living in Thailand. I was born in Kolkata, India on the 27th of April, 2003. Currently, I am an IB Diploma student at Wells International School in Bangkok, Thailand.

My Subjects: HL Psychology, HL Economics, HL Language and Literature; SL Environmental Systems and Societies, SL Analysis and Approaches (Math), and SL Spanish (ab-initio).

As a student, I grasp onto every opportunity that crosses my path in order to help me develop my character into one that is risk-taking, caring, and open-minded. One of my hobbies, passions, and talents is singing. I enjoy service, public speaking, and sports with my whole heart because it allows me to experience the world beyond my school's yellow walls. I am grateful for every moment that has shaped me to become the woman I am today, and everyone who has helped me along the way.

EARCOS Global Citizenship Community Grant 2020 (USD 500)

I applied for the grant, and was honored to receive it for my project of Medical Kits.

EARCOS Global Citizenship Award

In 2019, I was nominated for a CAS award amongst several of my classmates, and I submitted a proposal for SerWIS and I received this award in May of 2020. I am grateful to be the recipient of this award for my class! :)