
Student Council President - President of the Student Body

  • Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

  • Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

  • Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

  • Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

One of my favorite and most-looked forward to position in the Student Council this year, was by far the position of Student Body President. I had been dreaming about getting a chance to be the president since I joined student council back in the 10th grade. I love working with other like-minded people to make the school a better place to be for students, teachers, and parents. In student council, I learnt to better my leadership skills and engage in topics that may not be first thoughts such as enforcing dress codes, enforcing rules, and much more. However, one crucial thing I value about being president is the chance I get to listen to my underclassmen's opinions. I believe that this experience has shaped me to take several perspectives into account whilst making decisions as the president.

SerWIS Christmas Booth @ Bangna Campus Fair

  • Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

  • Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

  • Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

  • Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

The SerWIS Leaders, including myself, planned to host a booth for the kiddies at the Wells International Bangna Campus, and it was a huge success. We set up banners, images, gave out masks, and arranged for activities. We gave out juice to the younger kids, and we prepared for a "pong-toss" game where the kids could toss ping-pong balls into cups and receive a chance to win a couple pieces of candy. This was a good break from the end of year school exams we just had before this day. We didn't make too much money, but we did raise awareness amongst teachers, which is an important aspect of our club's message!

MUN Secretary (Officer) + BKKMUN @ISB

  • Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

  • Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

  • Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

The BKKMUN conference was held in October 2020, this year. As an active member and Secretary of the Wells MUN Club, this conference was really important to attend. I chaired the UN4MUN committee alongside my close friend. Being the chair for this committee was challenging because we had never heard of nor seen this conference style before. My cochair and I had to really dig into the details of the committee and we had such a successful debate, at the end of the day. We presented awards, and we are grateful to have been a part of the conference and committee despite the COVID-19 virus.

Wells Delegation

LEFT TO RIGHT: UN4MUN Best Delegate, Most Passionate Delegate, Most Diplomatic Delegate, Chairs.

HOMEMADE ICING + Baking for a Friend's 18th

  • Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

For my friend's 18th birthday, I baked her a brownie (it was boxed) and I decided to add my own twist to it by incorporating ingredients such as Hershey's, Nutella, Oreos, and more. This made the brownies overly sweet and delicious. What I was truly proud of was that I made my OWN ICING!!! I found a recipe online, and I only did this because I couldn't find store bought icing. It was so good, I couldn't believe I made it. I mixed colors to get pink and purple and used a plastic bag to pipe it out. I obviously have a ways to go, but for my first time, you can believe I was more than happy with the outcome.

SerWIS Booth @ Spirit Night

SerWIS Booth @ Spirit Night

Film Photography

  • Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

A trend began to take over Instagram in the form of film photography, so I decided to challenge myself and take a crack at it. It truly turned out interesting and some of the pictures hadn't developed how I would like, but I'm just starting out. This is a great way to document moments in life and it does not require too much of a budget or skill, making it an ideal way to document events in life. I really liked sharing the pictures with my friends too! I'm glad I developed this new hobby.

Moving the Needles Writing Workshop - Creative Writing Articles

Youths4SDGs Online Edition - Youth Leader

  • Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

This year I was the youth leader for the Y4SDGs 2021 conference. My partner and I attended conferences and made breakout session slideshow to have lively discussions w/ the participants over zoom. This was my third and last year participating in this event.

Cooking Pasta

  • Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

I made pasta over the break! My mom would go to the office, and so would my dad, and one day my sister wasn't home. Normally, I would simply order in or eat out, but I realized that I would need the cooking skills for my upcoming years in University! So, I found a recipe online using common ingredients I had available at home such as tomato paste, oregano, parmesan, basil leaves, olive oil, and much more. I added my own twist as well, by incorporating the spicy element by adding red pepper flakes. I really enjoyed this challenge, partly because it was SO yummy, but also because it taught me how to live independently and put in the work to make what I like.