
WISMUN V Conference

  • Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

  • Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

  • Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

The fifth annual WISMUN conference was held on November 7th, 2019. As an active member of the Wells MUN Club, this conference was really important to attend. I decided to step outside of my comfort zone and take on the challenging position of a chair. I chaired the SPECPOL Committee alongside a student from Garden International School, Rayong. Being the chair for this committee was challenging due to the fact that we had to be assertive and stern towards our delegates. There were instances in which our delegates would not be following parliamentary procedure and we would have to step in and correct them, which could be uncomfortable for them, especially since we were students of the same age. To be the first time chair, was a daunting new task that I decided to take over. This allowed for me to be open to new ideas that were provided by my co-chair and the people in my committee who had more experience than me. This experience was especially important to me, as I would like to pursue law and international relations in the future.

Performance at International Day

  • Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

International Day is an event which is held annually at Wells. The day consists of performances, a flag parade, a variety of cultural food, fundraisers, and much more. In 2019, the flag parade was paired with a song featured in the iconic coca-cola advertisement: I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing (In Perfect Harmony). The song perfectly tied together the theme of a United and Connected world. I'd learnt the song in around a week and half, and I had performed it as the solo-act, later joined by the High School Glee club, and it was taught to me by Ms. Kan.

Spirit Night '19 Organizing Team

  • Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

  • Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

Having been in the volleyball team, I had attended spirit nights at schools around Bangkok. Spirit Night is known more commonly as the night before a season begins, or one of the more prominent home games. On September 11th, a committee within the Student Council: the Student Engagements and Events committee, organized a Spirit Night for Wells. The leaders of the SEE included myself and another member of the Student Council in his senior year. We had organized this event during a home match against the International School of the Eastern Seaboard.

To ensure school spirit, we had asked teachers to encourage their students to come and cheer for the girls volleyball team during their game from 2:00 - 3:00 and the boys game, following. The high school band was also invited, to play some cheers and music during the breaks and the beginnings. The primary student had filled the bleachers, and middle and high school students were all on the second and third floors cheering on, demonstrating full school spirit.

This was my first project as the leader of the SEE, we had asked our members to create posters with our school colors and mascot the Sea Hawk, as well as create pom poms in order to ensure a greater school spirit. In order to get further involvement from students, we had pursued club leaders to set up booths, sell merchandise and raise funds. The energy in the coliseum was pursing, which was a great accomplishment and the ideal one, as a result of this event. As a welcoming gift, donuts were also bought for the teams.

Spirit Week '19 Organizing Team

  • Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

  • Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

The SEE had its next project a few weeks after Spirit night, which was its annual Spirit Week. This week is a themed-dress week, encouraging students to take the stress of their plates and come into school with fun costumes.

There was also an incentive for students to engage in this spirit, as there was a prize for the winning class. Each class had to acquire the most engagement with the costumes in order to win a pizza part, with expenses covered by the Student Council.

    • Monday, October 7th

      • Character Day

    • Tuesday, October 8th

      • Pajamas Day

    • Wednesday, October 9th

      • Twin Day

    • Thursday, October 10th

      • HIV theme/ red color.

    • Friday, October 11th

      • International Day, culture/countries customs

Wells Events and Engagements Leader '19-'20

  • Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

  • Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

  • Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Pinktober '19

Halloween '19

Order Form

Secret Santa '19

Alongside the other leader, I lead the student council committee of Engagements and Events which helped organize the events above and smaller events such as Halloween, Pinktober, Secret Santa, Movember, and much more before COVID cut the committee short.

Our committee consisted of almost 25 members (excluding the leaders). The members were keen on organizing events to help boost school spirit and engagement. They were passionate and evidently enthusiastic about every project we organized. It was truly a difficult challenge trying to come up with ideas with the goal of engaging the whole school, but it was done due to the overwhelming support we received as leaders.

I would deem this as one of my more challenging leadership positions, at it involved a lot of planning in a very limited time-frame.

Youths 4 SDGs Core Team Member

  • Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

  • how commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

  • Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

For as long as I've been in high school, the Youths4SDGS conference has been very near and dear to my heart. Upon its initiation, I entered the conference as a youth leader. The following year, I was promoted to being a core team member helping organize the entire event rather than just one part.

The youths for SDGS event is one that takes place over 2 days. The event is a mixture of ServICE, MUN, and much more. At the conference, the SDGs are discussed thoroughly through discussion rooms and through quests and activities. The second day, the students are then asked to crack a case directly related to the SDG.

This year, I was honored to be on the academic team, in charge of writing the case study. I had attended several meetings and been involved with the conference June of 2019. The event took place in January 2020.

I made a ton of friends, and I lived an experience that I will cherish for the rest of my life.

Debate Team Captain '19-'20

  • Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

I was the debate team co-captain for my junior year alongside a peer. We had weekly debate meetings, mock debates, and planned to attend tournaments, which were unfortunately cut short / cancelled due to the covid-19 pandemic.

ServICE '19 - How To: Plan a Large Scale Event / Make a Club

  • Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

  • Partnered with Youths4SDGs

At the ServICE 2019 conference, I was met with the task to host a How To session, discussing the initiation and steps it takes to create a club or an event.

I used personal examples from my school, however the most important example I used was the one about Youths4SDGs as I had done this on behalf of their organization.

I was met with struggles as my partners dropped out moments before the conference, but I overcame those obstacles, and had successful turnout and session.