
K-9 Trip to CHSATHAI Dog Shelter

  • Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

Right before the December Break, the members and advisors of the K9 club attended the K9 trip to the CHSA Shelter for Stray Dogs. This trip consisted of service to the shelter in terms of cleaning, housekeeping, and playing with the dogs. It was very fun and the trip opened new horizons for myself and others in regards to what we could do to provide service. Playing with the dogs was service to them as they got to experience many different things. We also learnt how some disabled dogs get by day-to-day and how the helpers at the shelter adapt to new dogs and cats. Overall, I believe that this trip was both eye-opening and a fun trip after the stress of final examinations.

Visit to Paws Bangkok

  • Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

  • Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

In January 2020, the Wells Helping PAWS Bangkok club took a short trip inside the Onnut soi to visit rescued stray cats and keep them company. I have been a part of Paws for 4 years, and I thoroughly enjoy being around cats. I love them so much and if I wasn't living in an apartment you would see many cats in my home! What I love about PAWS Bangkok, is how caring they are to the cats that they bring in. We learnt about how they rescue cats, treat them, and give them medication/surgeries so they can be their best selves. There were active cats and they were all over the place. My favorite cat, though, was a paraplegic cat who was still trying his best to play with us. The sheer happiness this trip brought me was unimaginable.

Raising Funds for K9 & Paws - Animal Week

  • Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

  • Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

  • Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

During animal week, I assisted in pouring Boba tea for paws customers, making hot dogs for K9 customers, and blending healthy fruit smoothies for the K9 customers. I developed new skills and together both clubs raised a lot of money to go towards their respective causes.