Welcome from Dr. Ito

A letter from Dr. ito

Dear new Wellesley Middle School Parents and Guardians,

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to Wellesley Middle School.  I am excited that you will be joining our community and that your child will begin an important “next step” in their education.  Our middle school focuses on the development of the “whole child,” ensuring that social, emotional and academic needs are met.  We understand the importance of this stage of life and are dedicated to supporting the growth your child is about to experience.  We look forward to having your sixth grader with us in the upcoming school year.

If you are new to Wellesley Middle School, I also understand how different a larger school can feel.  For many, coming from an elementary school community to a school with over 900 students can be intimidating for both parents and students.  As we work to make our big school feel smaller, each child is assigned a school counselor to help support them. As parents, look to your child’s school counselor as an important resource for navigating our school’s organization as well as a point-of-contact for providing advice about parenting and adolescent development.  Additionally, we have a staff of committed teachers and administrators who are here to listen, support and answer any questions you might have.  Please feel free to contact any WMS staff member when needed. We are here for you.

Throughout your experience at WMS, we hope that a “partnership” develops between school and home that focuses on your child’s continued growth.  It is essential for you to know that we encourage regular communications between us.  I believe we share the common goal of developing strong, confident learners, and I look forward to our time together.  Please enjoy this website as an introduction to your child’s new school. We cannot wait for your arrival this coming fall.  Welcome to our Wellesley Middle School community!


Mark T. Ito

Principal, Wellesley Middle School