WMS LEadership Team

If you have any specific curriculum questions or concerns, please contact the appropriate Department Head or Director listed below: 

Mark Ito


781-446-6235 ext. 3601 itom@wellesleyps.org

Cathi Gordon

Assistant Principal

781-446-6235 ext. 3605 gordonc@wellesleyps.org

Kevin Hoffman

Assistant Principal 

781-446-6235 ext. 3606 hoffmank@wellesleyps.org

WMS Department Heads

Ehrin Johnson 

  English & Language Arts

781-446-6250 ext. 3629 johnsone@wellesleyps.org

Lizz Gentes


781-446-6250 ext. 3613 gentese@wellesleyps.org

Adam Blumer

Social Studies    

781-446-6250 ext. 3609 blumera@wellesleyps.org

Kate Morton

   Science & Technology/Engineering    

781-446-6250 ext. 3628 mortonk@wellesleyps.org

Cristina Malinn

Special Education

781-446-6250 ext. 5714 malinnc@wellesleyps.org

Kate Mahoney

Guidance Services

718-446-6250 ext. 5719 mahoneyk@wellelseyps.org

District Directors

Jorge Allen

Director of English Learner Programs 

781-446-6200 ext. 5636allenj@wellesleyps.org

Megan Bounit

 Director of Technology 

781-446-6200 ext. 5450 bounitm@wellelseyps.org

Thom Carter 

 Visual Arts

781-446-6305  cartert@wellelseyps.org

Toni Carlson

Director of Libraries & Innovation

781-446-6210 ext. 5638carlsont@wellesleyps.org

Tim Eagan

World Languages (6-12)

781-446-6290, ext 4619  egant@wellesleyps.org

Joanne Grant 

Fitness & Health

781-446-6305  grantj@wellelseyps.org

Stephanie Holland

METCO Coordinator 

hollands@wellesleyps.org781-446-6250  ext. 3642

Ashley Hulme

Nursing Department Head

781-446-6235 ext. 5710hulmea@wellesleyps.org

Michael LaCava 

Performing Arts 

781-446-6210 ext. 5721 lacavam@wellesleyps.org