WMS Nursing Team

Ashley Hulme

Nursing Department Head

hulmea@wellesleyps.org781-446-6235 ext. 5710

Kris Gusmini

WMS Nurse

gusminik@wellesleyps.org781-446-6235 ext. 3612

Caroline Reading

WMS Nurse

readingc@wellesleyps.org781-446-6235 ext. 3611

A message from our nurses. . .

Hello and Welcome to WMS!

We are so excited to meet each and every one of you in the Fall! At WMS, there are two full times nurses, with office coverage from 7:30 - 3:15pm. We are here to help students navigate their transition to WMS and assist them with any problem they may experience throughout the school day. 

If your student has a medical issue or concern that you would like to discuss with the WMS nurses prior to the start of the school year, please contact us via email during the summer. We begin parent/student meetings at the end of the summer and can find a time that works best for you.

During your student’s time at WMS, it is important to keep the nurses updated on any issues your student may be experiencing throughout the school year. We have included the Wellesley Public School Nursing website below, which includes important information to review. We are here to help and be a positive resource for both you and your student. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or concerns.

For more information visit our WPS Nursing Website