Social Studies

Adam Blumer

Department Head (6-8 )

Ancient World Cultures and Civilizations

In Grade 6, students begin a two-year study of the Ancient Word that is aligned with the newest Massachusetts state History Frameworks.   Specifically, students will explore how the past influences our societies today in a variety of ways.  We start the year with a unit on Egpyt and neighboring Kush so that students can consider how factors like location and geography impacted where and how ancient civilizations could thrive. We also use that unit to introduce key reading and writing strategies that will be used throughout middle school such as "marking up" or annotating text and writing with clear claims and specific evidence. These foci build on skills students have  already learned in elementary school as the level of text difficulty rises. 

 In the second part of the year, students will focus on one aspect of civilization: religion.  Students will examine how four/five major faiths began and will compare how each views the universe. Thus, there are units on Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and possibly Buddhism if time permits.  Students will describe how these religions came to be historically, and what these religious practices within the traditions look like in the United States/ world today.  Students should leave these courses with a rich understanding of how the ideas from the past shape our societies and with an appreciation for the variety of human beliefs in our world. 

Lastly, the social studies department has a goal for students to be informed and engaged citizens. So, teachers will take time to discuss current events topics as needed and will make attempts to connect issues from the past to the world today whenever possible. 

Goals:  In Grade 6, students will:

Guiding Questions for the Year: