Single Transferable Vote -The Method, Part 2

Now that we have an overview of how SVT works, let's put that in practice!

  1. The forumla for the quota ensures no more than N candidates are elected. The quota is calculated using the following equation:

2. Any candidate that meets the quota is automatically elected to a seat.

3. If the candidate’s total number of received votes is greater than the quota, the surplus votes are transferred to the next ranking candidate on the ballot using the formula:

4. Repeat steps 2-3 until all seats are filled.

5. If no candidate meets the quota, eliminate the candidate with the least number of votes. The rankings below them are shifted up, like in the Hare instant runoff method.

6. Repeat steps 2-5 until N candidates are elected.

Watch the following video for an example on how to find the winners of a multiwinner election using STV.

Marilyn Alberto | Jane Kinsella |Jailene Lemus