Cumulative Voting-Words to Know

cumulative voting

Voting in which people split a vote into fractions amongst candidates as they want. Whichever candidate gets the most votes wins.

discrete cumulative voting

A variation of fraction ballot cumulative voting in that instead of people being able to break up a vote into whichever fractions they want, in this system people get as many votes as there are representatives. So, if there are five representatives voters must split their vote into 1/5's among the candidates as they want. Another way to understand discrete cumulative voting is a voting system in which voters are required to fill in a predetermined number of bubbles that they can choose to spread out however they want.

voting profile

A voting profile represents how people choose to vote for candidates. In the case of cumulative voting, a number on top of each column represents the number of voters that assigned the respective fractions in each column to the candidates. For example, as seen in the example profile to the left, for column one 5 people voted 0 times for candidate A, 2/3 for candidate B and 1/3 for candidate C.

Marilyn Alberto | Jane Kinsella |Jailene Lemus