Approval Voting - Pros and Cons

Pros of Approval Voting

  • More expressive

  • Results are simple to understand

  • Favors consensus candidates

  • Fewer spoiler ballots

  • Alternative candidates receive more accurate results of support

  • Tends to favor candidates who would beat all rivals in a one-on-one election

Cons of Approval Voting

  • Less expressive

  • Majority winner is not guaranteed to be elected

  • Inefficient for large-scale elections

  • Violates the no-harm criterion

  • Voting is not entirely honest

  • Favors candidates who are perceived to be more advantageous rather than reflecting the voters' views

Approval voting is both more expressive and less expressive. It is more expressive because one is able to express their preferences for multiple candidates rather than just voting for one. However, approval voting is simultaneously considered less expressive because while voters may vote for more than one candidate, their preference and ranking of each candidate is not taken into consideration. In general, approval voting is a very elementary voting method that nullifies common problems such as spoiler ballots but may incite disingenuous voting.

Marilyn Alberto | Jane Kinsella |Jailene Lemus