
Managing school stress

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In this blog post from YoungMinds, GSCE students Suria and Megan share their tips on how to tackle school stress.

Pressure to do well in exams can be overwhelming and affect your mental health. Here's some advice from YoungMinds if it's all getting a bit too much.

This booklet was developed by CoolMinds to help young people in Hong Kong cope with academic stress. Read other young people's sharing about their own experience with returning to school. Click to download the PDF.

Dealing with procrastination

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Keeping things in perspective

The blue sky is a perfect metaphor for the mind. And no matter what happens in life, it's always worth looking for it.

We all need reminders to keep things in perspective sometimes. 

Watch this short video from Headspace, the mindfulness app, to reflect and keep things in perspective if you're stressed.