Peers and friends

Managing challenges in friendships

Articles to explore:

It can be hard to see a friend struggle with mental illness, and even harder to know how to help. Don’t worry, neither of you are alone.

Starting a conversation with your friends about mental health can be really scary, but it can also help you feel less alone. Here are some tips.

Sometimes friendships can have problems and it can be hard to know what to do. Here are some tips to help you out.

Find out how to improve your ability to handle tricky conversations, set boundaries and communicate assertively.

Dealing with loneliness

Feeling lonely sometimes is ok. But when it’s happening all the time you might need some extra support. 

How do I know if I'm lonely?

Our brains are wired for connection with other people. When we start to feel distant from important people in our lives loneliness can begin to creep in.

Everybody is different and loneliness can affect people in many ways:

What you can do to cope with loneliness? Click here to read more.

Making new friends can sometimes be hard to do. Check out these tips on how to start new friendships.

Anti-bullying Code at SIS

South Island School has an Anti-Bullying Policy which applies to all students.

We believe that every student at South Island School has the basic entitlement to enjoy life at school, free from the sort of behaviour which is classed as bullying.

Anti-bullying Code at SIS

If you see someone being bullied, or if you are experiencing bullying, let a teacher, parent or a trusted adult know.