Rising 8th grade students will meet with their current counselor to register for classes and choose elective options for next year. If you have any questions, please reach out to their counselor, Ms. Jamie Gordon at jbgordon@wcpss.net.

The 2024-2025 elective information and course descriptions can be found at the following link: 8th Grade Elective Course Offerings 

Course offerings in Spanish

Course offerings in Persian/Farsi

Course offerings in Vietnamese

Course offerings in Hebrew

Course offerings in Chinese

8th Grade


6:50 - 7:30

Core 1

7:30 - 8:32


8:36 - 9:06

Elective/PE & Health (Alternative Days)

9:10- 10:25

Core 2/Lunch

10:29 - 12:00


Lunch A: 10:31 - 10:56

Lunch B: 11:01 - 11:26

(25 minutes each)

Core 3

12:03 - 1:06

Core 4

1:09 - 2:15

2:15 Dismissal