wayzata high school
course catalog
Welcome to our course catalog - your one-stop shop to access information about Wayzata High School course registration and more! We are proud and excited to have each student as a member of the of Wayzata High School community!
What's new for 2025-2026?
Career and Technical Education (CTE) includes courses formerly located in the Business, Family/Consumer Science, and Technology Education departments.
All students will need to complete Personal Financial Literacy (722) or Independent Money Management (855) in grades 10, 11, or 12, as a graduation requirement, effective with the Class of 2028, per Wayzata School Board Policy Regulations 601-R and MN Statute 120B.024.
about this catalog
This registration site has been prepared to assist students in selecting courses for next year. We offer a wide variety of diverse, challenging learning opportunities. Planning a high school program to meet each student’s unique needs is a process involving many choices and decisions. Each student’s success is important to us and the following suggestions may help students in this process:
Discuss plans with parents/guardians, counselors, and teachers, as they can provide valuable insight and guidance.
Select courses that will meet district and state graduation requirements as well as support future educational and career goals.
Participate in courses designed to satisfy current interests, curiosity, and the development of personal/life skills.
Employ as many resources within the school as necessary to assist in planning an effective overall educational experience.
As part of our ongoing commitment to provide a high quality education, we expect students to:
Invest their best efforts in their academic and co-curricular activities;
Accept responsibility for their learning, decisions and actions; and,
Treat staff and each other with respect.
We are proud and excited to have each student as a member of the of Wayzata High School community!
It is the policy of the WAYZATA PUBLIC SCHOOLS not to discriminate on the basis of sex, race, religion, age, marital status or handicapping conditions. These requirements are specified in Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendments, Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, and Title VII of the 1972 Equal Employment Opportunity Act.
The WAYZATA PUBLIC SCHOOLS' policies include reference to nondiscrimination in the areas of recruiting, treatment and advancement in employment, access to course offerings, curriculum content, and employment of resource persons in the classroom.
Inquiries regarding compliance with Title IX, Title VI, and Title VII may be made by students, parents/guardians, employees or applicants by contacting:
Stacie Vos, Executive Director of Human Resources
13305 12th Ave N
Plymouth, MN 55441
Copies of grievance procedures and forms for submitting grievances are available to all staff, students, and parents/guardians through the WAYZATA PUBLIC SCHOOLS administration offices.