
The Spanish program makes use of the target language to develop thematic units based on everyday experience. Grammar and vocabulary are stressed. Conversation is encouraged. Opportunities are provided for students to hone their conversational skills through the interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational modes in accordance with the core content standards. Through reading selections and classroom discussion, the student is familiarized with the culture and civilization of the Spanish-speaking world.

Quick Facts

  • In an increasingly globalized world, where technology is increasingly making communication faster and more efficient, it becomes even more pressing for citizens to be competent in other languages. In such an interconnected world, it can only be a disadvantage not to learn a second language. In the aspect of employment, a second language allows for new opportunities, experiences, and an edge when applying for jobs.

  • Learning a second language allows students to explore and better understand another culture.

  • There is research showing the exponential cognitive and personal benefits of learning another language. It was found that students who studied a foreign language scored higher on tests in reading, math, and language arts.