Section 11:

Least Restrictive Environment


  • Use the dropdown menu to select the appropriate outcome code - this does not show up when the IEP is printed, but it is required because it populates into the EMIS page
  • The code selected will indicate the amount of time the students spends in a Special Education setting, outside of the regular classroom (see "Calculating LRE" below for guidance)

Does this child attend the school he/she would attend if not disabled?

  • If no, justify:
    • Ex: Student needs functional vocational skills that are offered by a county-wide program with modified functional curriculum and opportunity for community practice

Does this child receive all special education services with non-disabled peers?

  • If no, justify:
    • Why does the child receive self-contained or pull-out services?
    • Describe the environment(s), not the geographical location, in which the student will receive his special education services and why the student is receiving these services in this environment
    • Compare to typical peers
    • Ex: Student does not receive all of his services wit typical peers due to the intensity of behaviors disrupting the instruction of self and others. He comes to the resource room to limit distractions for testing.
    • Ex: The entire academic curriculum has been significantly modified from that of the general education curriculum due to multiple disabilities. Teachers and paraprofessionals will provide services in a special education classroom, where small size provides the opportunity for the delivery of direct instruction and practice of functional and daily living skills in the classroom and application in the community through a modified curriculum that is aligned with the Ohio Academic Content Standards Extended.
    • Preschool: check no anytime a student is pulled out and explain why he is pulled out
      • intensity of behaviors disrupts the instruction of self and others
      • come to therapy room to limit distractions

Additional LRE Resources
