STI Pamphlet Research

Goal: Students will be able to create an informative pamphlet on their assigned STI

Essential Questions:

  • Where can I locate quality information on my assigned STI?

  • How do I create a pamphlet using the information I have gathered about my assigned STI utilizing Canva?

STI Pamphlet

General Directions

Over the next 4 classes, you will be researching and creating an educational pamphlet on an assigned STI. Your pamphlet should include the following pieces of information:

  • STI Name

  • Type of STI (bacterial, parasite, viral)

  • Transmission (meaning how does someone get it?)

  • Long-term effects or complications

  • Signs and symptoms

  • How to get tested for it

  • Statistic on how common the STI is locally for teens (Pennsylvania, Lancaster County, or Lititz)

  • Treatment

  • Prevention

  • 3 Images (no gross out pictures)

  • Minimum of 2 citations for your sources - Noodletools

Look at the examples at the bottom of the page for assistance on pamphlet layout and design.

Ask Mrs. Stump if you need help with research or the pamphlet creation, ask your health teacher if you need help with the content or information you are gathering.

Day 1 Directions

Day 1

Citations & Resources


  • Click the link above

  • Click the "G" Google Icon to sign in with your school account

  • If prompted, check your personal information to make sure it is correct

    • Graduation Year & School Location

  • Create a new project

    • Click "+ New Project" in the top right hand corner

    • Project title: STI Research

    • Select Style - MLA and Level - Junior

    • Click "Submit"

    • Open your project

  • Keep this Noodletools project open as you work through the assignment so you can easily cite the sources that you use

Database citations:

  • Database citations can be taken directly from the database, but you must be logged in for it to work properly

  • In the database article on Gale, look at the top of the page for a quotations icon " that says "Cite"

  • Click on the " icon, this will open up a new box

  • Click on the Noodletools icon, this will open up a new tab

  • Double check that project in the drop down box matches with your current assignment

  • Click "Import"

  • Double-check in Noodletools that the citation was transferred properly

Website Citations:

  • In your Noodletools project, click "+New Source"

  • Click "Website" and then click "Webpage"

  • Locate the following information and copy and paste it into the Noodletools citation creator - bold required for all citations

    • URL

    • Date of publication or last review

    • Date of access - Click "Today?" to put in today's date

    • Contributors

      • Author

      • Editor or Medical Reviewer

    • Webpage Title

      • Specific page you are looking at (i.e. Treatment for STIs)

    • Name of Website

      • Host website name (i.e. Mayo Clinic)

    • Publisher

  • Click "Save"

Where do I go for information?

  • Databases, Websites, and if interested and available library books

  • Scroll to the bottom of this page to access the directions and links to the websites

Day 2 Directions

Creating the Pamphlet


  • Click the link above and follow Mrs. Stump's directions to get logged in with your school account

    • It is important to utilize your school account so that you can access the upgraded images and features associated.

  • In the search box below, "What will you design today?" type in the word Brochure to see the design options for your pamphlet

    • Select one that catches your eye or makes sense for your STI

    • You will be adjusting all of the words and pictures on the pamphlet, you are deciding upon the color scheme and the layout of the pamphlet during this step

  • After you select your pamphlet template, begin putting in your information

    • Reference the sample pamphlet and layout/order document at the bottom of this page if you are not sure of the order or how the information should be presented

  • Ensure you are including all required pieces of information, pictures, and citations to get the best grade possible

Helpful Tips in Canva

  • "Uploads"

    • Upload pictures that you find outside of Canva to your pamphlet

  • "Text"

    • Adjust the size, style, color, and more of your text

  • "Photos"

    • Search the Canva library for quality images to use within your pamphlet.

      • If you logged in with your school account, you will have access to the premium images

    • Drag the photos from the search area on the left into the spot on your pamphlet that already has a photo, it will replace the original while keeping the photo layout

      • If you need to adjust the sizing or spacing, double-click on the picture on the pamphlet

  • "More"

    • There are so many other things you could add to make it more eye-catching, but just remember your pamphlet is intended to be a printed paper item, and unlike in Harry Potter pictures don't move on paper in our reality.

Days 3 & 4 Directions

Continue gathering information and putting the information in a logical way into the pamphlet of your creation.

Ask questions if you need help! Mrs. Stump will be out in the main area of the library, and your health teacher will remain in the room with you.


  • When you are ready to turn in the assignment, go into your Canva project

  • In the top right corner click "Share"

  • Click "Download"

    • In the download screen, click "File Type" and select "PDF Print"

    • Click "Download" at the bottom of the box

  • Upload your item to the Google Classroom assignment

Databases - Accessed through WebGrades

  • Gale

    • Gale in Context: High School

      • Search for your STI, and look for original sources such as Sick! or Gale Encyclopedia of Science

Websites - Click on the link to access

Library Books

Use the Destiny Library Catalog to search for potential books on your assigned STI

  • Books will be located on the wall of the main area in the library

    • Turn right when you exit B108

Pneumonia - Health Fall 2022.pdf

Pamphlet Example

Created by Mrs. Stump on Pneumonia

Pamphlet Layout/Order

Pamphlet Layout/Order

Use this to help you organize your information for your own pamphlet.