Your Choice - Informative Research

Informative vs. Persuasive

Some of your topics may lead you to write a persuasive essay instead of an informative essay, make sure you understand the difference!

Informative: you are the reporter remaining unbiased, objective, and only presenting facts.

Persuasive: your goal is to persuade the reader to agree with your opinion.

Your Goal!

Your goal for this assignment is to select a topic of your interest and create an informative, well written, paper with your research findings.

The Process

Select your topic:

Remember! You do not want a topic too broad or too narrow! You want enough information to write your paper, but not too much that you are overwhelmed!

Create your Working Bibliography

Check your assignment papers to see how many sources are required

Locating Information:

When your topic is selected and approved, you can begin finding more sources

Avoid using Google when you begin researching - stick with databases or sources suggested by your teacher or Mrs. Stump!



Warwick has access to many databases and paid subscriptions - not all of them will work for your topic, but one or more could be helpful

Qualified Sources

This slideshow takes you through the steps of evaluating qualified sources.

Use this as you need to in order to make sure your sources are the best possible!

How To Cite - Cheat Sheet`

Gale Databases - Citations

CultureGrams - Citations

World Book Online - Citations