Library Info

According to the School Library Association in June 2016, the purpose of a School Library is as follows:To provide a flexible space with a wide and inclusive range of resources to support learning and teaching throughout the schoolTo have a vibrant role in the development of a culture that promotes wider reading, motivated readers, and learners for lifeTo provide a place for collaborative learning, creativity, and developing independent research and information literacy skills

Warwick's Library Program Description:

  • The library media program includes a focus on literacy with an emphasis on information literacy and research, integrated with and supporting the school curriculum, and provides access to a varied high quality collection of reading materials in multiple formats that reflect academic needs and personal interests.

LIBRARY Expectations

L - Listen to staff

I - Inquire if you need help

B - Be respectful to everyone and everything

R - Read and talk quietly

A - Always follow school rules

R - Return books and materials to their proper places.

Y - Your manners are appreciated

Types of Library Passes

Reference Pass

    • Students may request a reference pass for an assignment that requires library materials (i.e. computers if they are not available in the study hall room, reference books, assistance from the librarian, group work with students from different study hall rooms)

    • Reference passes are only valid for the specific day that they are assigned

    • This pass MUST be filled out and signed by the teacher assigning the work

      • No part of this pass should be filled in by the student

        • Library staff prefers for the pass to be filled out in pen by the teacher to prevent students from changing any information

      • Substitute teachers are not permitted to give out reference passes to any students

        • If a teacher has a substitute and a student is in desperate need of a reference pass for an assignment, they may come speak to the professional library staff. If we feel that the assignment requires a reference pass, we will provide the student with one

    • If a student presents a study hall teacher with a suspicious pass, the teacher should not allow the student to utilize the pass

    • Reference Passes should be given to the study hall teacher at the beginning of the study hall period

      • The library staff encourages students to get their reference passes before their study hall period begins and this should not be an excuse for late arrival to your room

    • Students will hand over the reference pass to the library student aides or professional staff upon arrival in the library

    • If a student is not working on the reference pass assignment, the student may be sent back to their study hall and the classroom teacher may be contacted about reference pass restrictions

15 Minute Pass

    • Students may request to come to the library on their planner pass during study hall in order to complete one of the following tasks:

      • Print an assignment

      • Renew, return, or check out a book

    • Students are expected to return to their classroom within 15 minutes of leaving the classroom

      • This includes traveling to and from the library

Study Hall Pass

    • Study hall teachers may send 5 students to the library for the entire period

    • Students must be passing all classes in order to come to the library on a Study Hall Pass

      • Study hall teachers should be checking grades for their study hall students to ensure they are passing all classes

      • Students may request a reference pass from a teacher to make up missing assignments if they are failing but it MUST be from the teacher of the class they are failing

    • Students are expected to bring work to complete while in the library

      • Unlike the reference pass, this work may not require library materials

    • Students should come prepared with enough work to last until the period is complete

      • Students may find a book or complete a brain challenge if they have no more work to complete for their classes

    • Students are permitted one board game day per week during study hall

      • Students are not permitted to play phone games during this time

      • This privilege may be revoked if students are not following the other library rules during their game time

Flex Pass

  • Students may sign up each day for one of a limited number of flex passes for the library. Students may only use the pass for the day it is designated. Each morning the form will reset so students may have a new chance to come to the library for homework.

  • Students must be passing all classes in order to come to the library on a Flex Pass

    • Mrs. Stump will check grades and inform the student and teacher if the student is not permitted to come to the library due to their grades

  • Students are expected to bring work to complete while in the library

  • Students should come prepared with enough work to last until the flex period is complete