Animal Farm


The Russian Revolution

"The Russian Revolution of 1917 was one of the most explosive political events of the twentieth century. The violent revolution marked the end of the Romanov dynasty and centuries of Russian Imperial rule." - History


Karl Marx

Vladimir Lenin

Leon Trotsky

Joseph Stalin

The Weakness or Fall of Czar Nicolas II

February/March 1917 Russian Revolution

October/November 1917 Bolshevik Revolution

1920-1922 Russia Civil War (Reds v. Whites)

Collectivism or Collective Farming


Failure of the 5-Year Plans


Stalin and the Great Purge or Show Trials

World War II and the Non-Aggression Pact

Stalin's "World Camps" (Gulag) Punishments

Communism or Socialism or Capitalism

"Current" Events: Russia and the Annexation of Crimea

"Current" Events: Syria and the Rise of ISIS

"Current" Events: Egypt Mubarak and al-Sisi

Dictatorships (Compared to Napoleon)


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Gale Databases

  • Student Resources in Context


  • World History: The Modern Era

  • World at War


  • High School Search for Power Library

World Book Online

  • Student

  • Advanced

  • Timeline


Fordham University - Russian Revolution

BBC History - War and Revolution in Russia 1914 - 1921

Massachusetts Institute of Technology - The Deepening of the Russian Revolution: 1917 Kustodiev


Encyclopedia Britannica

National Geographic

British Library

Smithsonian Magazine