Week 12: October 31- Nov 4


Compelling Question: Which was a larger force in 1950s America: Affluence and Conformity or Anxiety and Social Unrest?

Supporting Question: How did Brown v Board of Education attempt to change American society?

We will discuss the importance of the Brown v Board of Education and how it attempted to changed the social organization of the South. We will begin by looking at the court case that legitimized the legality of segregation and analyze the decisions of the Supreme Court to understand the difference in thought process and constitutional interpretations.


NO SCHOOL - Teacher Professional Development


Compelling Question: Which was a larger force in 1950s America: Affluence and Conformity or Anxiety and Social Unrest?

Supporting Question: What were the effects of Brown v Board of Ed?

Then we will explore the significance of the murder of Emmett Till and understand how that event solidified the African-American community in the United State and the variety of organizations that mobilized that community into action.

  1. Murder of Emmett Till

  2. Montgomery Bus Boycott

  3. Little Rock Nine


Today we will go back and spend some more time looking at events related to the Cold War. In particular we will look at the Korean War and McCarthyism. Please access this activity in the Google Classroom for hyperlinks and links to textbook.
