Vol 1 No 2

by Glenn Bates and Madi Feeley

Pi Day, a celebration of the number 3.14159265… On March 14 Pi Day was celebrated at WIS after school in the cafeteria. The cost of admission was $3 during lunch and $4 at the door. When you came to the event, you received tickets for use at many of the stations.

Some of the stations were free and could get you some more tickets. The tickets were primarily used for raffling off prizes, the opportunity to pie your favorite teachers, or get pied yourself.

Hello, everyone! I am Ava Minall, and I was a new character named Mrs. Corry in our school play! You are about to witness the amazing world of theater through our show, Mary Poppins Jr.!

This theater experience has shown me lessons of hard work and the fantastic payoff, and I think my fellow cast and crew members can say the same.

by Juliet Felice

Music is a universal language that speaks to people in more ways than one. Studies show music can cause people to feel nostalgic, affect people’s overall mood, and make people feel less alone. But how does this work?

by Marc Rossin

Yoshi Yoshi Yo Yo Shi (Hi, everyone it’s me, Marc, and I am reviewing Yoshi’s Woolly World.) Yoshi’s Woolly World is a game for Wii U and 3DS. I personally think Yoshi’s Woolly World is a nice and “crafty” game.

by Kyle Rowe

The Tyrannosaurus rex. It was 15 to 20 feet tall, almost the height of a street lamp post. It’s also as long as a school bus. When you think of a T-Rex you’ll probably think of a giant green scaly lizard stomping around and roaring with its tail dragging on the ground. And most of that is probably false!

by Madi Feeley

Mrs. Smith is a Language arts teacher at Wall Intermediate School. She teaches 6th grade ELA and is the advisor for The Knight’s Scroll.

by Kyle Rowe

The Bombardier Beetle is truly an amazing creature. According to the National Wildlife Federation, it has a range of North America, South America, Europe, Africa, and Australia. They thrive in areas with temperate woodlands and grasslands, where there is ground cover to hide under. They usually only grow up to 2.5 centimeters long.

by Noah Mencer

When you hear the word global warming you may not think that it is a serious, but it is a really bad problem. Global warming is affecting the environment. It is endangering animals like polar bears and other animals that live in places with high amount of ice and snow. Polar bears live on ice and that ice is melting.

by Kyle Rowe

According to National Geographic, the spotted hyena is the largest of the four species of hyena, including the brown hyena, the striped hyena and the aardwolf. If you are wondering if the Hyena is a canine or a feline it is actually part of the hyaenidae family tree! The Hyena’s diet consists of animals like wildebeest, antelope, lizards, snakes and insects. They hunt in packs which can be as large as 38-80 members!

Seasonal Fashion Pieces: Springtime is a fantastic time for not over-the-top yet gorgeous fashion, where simplicity is better.

by Glenn Bates

Do any of you guys remember the Nintendo Wii? This little thing is home to the best racing game of all time: Mario Kart Wii.

by Marc Rossin

Pokémon Trainer Marc sent out game review.

Hi, it’s me, Marc doing another review. This time it is about Pokémon Let’s Go, so let’s go into the review!