If you forgot your CaliforniaColleges.edu your password.

1. Click the Sign In lock in the upper right-hand corner.

2. Under the blue Sign In button, click on Forgot Password?

3. Enter the email address you used when you created your account.

4. Click Send Email to Reset Password.

5. If an account with that email is found, you’ll get an email. It’ll have a link to reset your password. The link expires in 24 hours.

o Check your junk or spam folders if you don’t get the email right away.

o Ask a counselor at your school if you need help.

6. Click the link in your email and reset your password.

o It must be at least 9 characters.

o It can’t include your name, email, or old passwords.

o It can’t be a word found in the dictionary.

7. Re-enter the same password and click Update Password.