Work-Based Learning

VUSD Work-Based Learning Coordinators


Carina Mello & John Tyndal

Work-Based Learning Framework

Alignment of Classroom and Workplace Learning

This means that comprehensive WBL experiences: help meet industry demands for a more skilled workforce by providing opportunities for students to receive training, learn skills, and gain experience in all aspects of an industry; map academic content to authentic workplace tasks and integrate workplace tasks and classroom instruction; allow students to reflect on their learning process and experience; and require training for instructors on how to integrate WBL experiences into curriculum and instruction.

Application of Academic, Technical, and Employability Skills in a Work Setting

This means that comprehensive WBL experiences: are based on rigorous academic and employability skill requirements; and include in-depth and hands on work experiences (either on site or through simulated/virtual methods), with activities ranging from career awareness and exploration to career preparation and training.

Support from Classroom or Workplace Mentors

This means that comprehensive WBL experiences: promote student engagement through mentorship from supervisors, instructors, and WBL coordinators; allow students to develop relationships with industry and community professionals; are monitored and evaluated by workplace supervisors, classroom instructors, or WBL coordinators; and offer training for mentors on providing students with industry-specific support; general career and education guidance; personal and professional growth; and a caring, emotional connection.

WBL Coordinator TBD Supports:

Linked Learning Academies:

Health Sciences Academy (Mt. Whitney HS)

Computer Science Academy (Mt. Whitney HS)

STRONG Academy (El Diamante HS)

Architecture, Construction, and Engineering Academy (Redwood HS)

CTE Pathways:

Culinary/Hospitality Pathways

Construction/Manufacturing Pathways

Agriculture Pathways

WBL Coordinator Carina Mello Supports:

Linked Learning Academies:

Cinema & Television Arts Academy (El Diamante HS)

Law and Justice Academy (Redwood HS)

Business and Finance Academy (Golden West HS)

First Responders Academy (Golden West HS)

CTE Pathways:

Business, Media, & Video Pathways

Automotive Pathways

Resources for Teachers