Clarence G. Stearns, Weddings, Individuals, Groups,

Couples, Families, Louis Abend


Click on this link for the history and pictures of famous Zumbrota photographer,  Clarence G. Stearns, and his photos of important people, researched and written by Duane C. Hoven in 2010.  (Reprinted with permission from the author given to Linda Smith.) 

People: Weddings and Wedding Parties

Image: Raasch-Rice 1929

Many photos were scanned from Olson Studio files that were rescued when the photography studio was being converted to apartments.  

Also see this Reference Booklet

Marriages in Zumbrota News 1892-1905 with Index, by Janice Johnson in July 2014

People: Individuals and Groups

Image: Lillian Marvin Circa Late 1800s

Image: Chris Nesseth Cigar Store Employees circa 1912

People: Couples and             Families

Image: Mr. and Mrs. William Wooley 1941

Family: Image: Bartemus Satrum Family

Louis Abend and His Civil War Drum

Image: Louis Abend and His Drum

Image: Abend Drum in Its Custom Case at the History Center

The drum measures about 15" diameter x 13" tall, wood sides, leather top and bottom, with rope and leather to bind the pieces together.  The case is 28" x 28" x 74" tall, made of wood and glass. The custom case was made possible by a generous donation from Ester Maiwald in July 2006, and it was designed and constructed by James Borden.

NOTE: Most photos and lists ABOVE have been reproduced from staff-assembled notebooks by specific topic.  Information page for each image includes date, location, and person’s genealogy if known.  Latest versions are searchable at the History Center.  

However, IF YOU CAN'T COME IN, and if you would like a copy of anything you see here, or the additional information on file, please email or call in your request. Copies probably would be returned by email.  In addition, consultation about extensive or in-depth research, including digital records, and/or photographic services, could be arranged.  (nominal fee for services).

55 East 3rd Street, Box 44, Zumbrota, MN  55992  Phone 507-732-7333   


Open from March to November on Saturdays from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.  Or email/call for an appointment at a more convenient time.