Main Street & Off-Main Location
This content is mostly excerpted from staff-assembled large notebooks by specific topic. Latest versions are searchable at the History Center. However, IF YOU CAN'T COME IN, and you would like a copy of anything you see here, or of the additional information on file, please email or call in your request.
Businesses and Main Street Volumes I & II
Early Image: Barteau Hardware & Machinery Store. Main & 3rd Street Block circa late 1800s or early 1900s
Later Image of the same area: Coast to Coast, circa 1960s, NW corner of Main & 3rd Street.
Click Here for History of 290 Main building tenants
Early Image: Inside the overalls factory above Sigmond's store circa late 1800s
Businesses Off Main Street
Early Image: Hammer's Creamery circa late 1800s or early 1900s
Later Image: Evergreen Bowling Lanes, circa 1960s, 110 Mill Street
The bowling alley was established by Alden Schliep & Harvey Lohman in 1964. It changed owners a few times, then closed. In 2018 it has been remodeled for the Zumbrota Bearing & Gear business.
NOTE: Most photos and lists have been reproduced from staff-assembled notebooks by specific topic. Latest versions are searchable at the History Center. However, IF YOU CAN'T COME IN, and if you would like a copy of anything you see here, or the additional information on file, please email or call in your request. Copies probably would be returned by email. In addition, consultation about extensive or in-depth research, including digital records, and/or photographic services, could be arranged. (nominal fee for services).
55 East 3rd Street, Box 44, Zumbrota, MN 55992 Phone 507-732-7333
Open from March to November on Saturdays 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Or email/call for an appointment at a more convenient time.