Energy Salad with Chicken and Citrus: Essential Nutrients on a Plate

Energy Salad with Chicken and Citrus Fruits


2 grilled chicken breasts, cut into strips.

4 cups of fresh spinach.

1 orange, peeled and cut into wedges.

1/2 cup strawberries, sliced.

1/4 cup walnuts, toasted and chopped.

1 avocado, cut into pieces.

2 tablespoons of olive oil.

1 tablespoon of lemon juice.

Salt and pepper to taste.

For the Dressing:

3 tablespoons olive oil.

2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar.

1 teaspoon of honey.

1 clove of garlic, finely chopped.

1/2 teaspoon Dijon mustard.

Salt and pepper to taste.


In a large bowl, combine the spinach, orange segments, strawberries, walnuts and avocado.

Add the chicken strips to the mixture.

In a jar with a lid, mix the ingredients for the dressing and shake well.

Pour the dressing over the salad and mix well so everything is coated.

Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste.

This salad is an excellent source of vitamin C thanks to the citrus fruits, provides zinc through the chicken, and contains vitamin D from olive oil. A delicious and nutritious option to boost your health!