Chromosome History
Chromosome History
This page contains the chromosome sequence and annotation updates as recorded for releases in 2011, 2021, and 2023. Use the links below to jump to a specific Reference Genome Update Summary. Individual chromosome history pages are linked in the menu to the left.
Summary of Chromosome Sequence and Annotation Updates
As new data become available, SGD curators update the systematic sequence and its annotation. This table summarizes the sequence and/or annotation updates made for each chromosome, since the initial release on 1996-07-31.
Current and past versions of the sequence and annotation are available on SGD's Download site and at NCBI.
If you are aware of additional sequence or annotation changes that should be made to the reference sequence (S288C), please send a message to SGD curators. At this time, SGD does not record sequence variation between S288C and other strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. See the Systematic Sequencing Project page for more information about the reference sequence.
Details of 2023 Reference Genome Annotation Update R64.4
R64.4 Annotation update summary
The S. cerevisiae strain S288C reference genome annotation was updated in 2023. The new genome annotation is release R64.4.1, dated 2023-08-23. Note that the underlying genome sequence itself was not altered in any way.
This annotation update included (details in table below):
new uORFs for 3 ORFs:
8 new ncRNAs:
3 ORFs demoted from 'Uncharacterized' to 'Dubious' based on request from NCBI because they overlap tRNAs:
R64.4 Annotation update detail
Details of 2021 Reference Genome Annotation Update R64.3
The S. cerevisiae strain S288C reference genome annotation was updated in its first major update since 2014. The new genome annotation is release R64.3.1, dated 2021-04-21. Note that the underlying genome sequence itself was not altered in any way.
R64.3 Annotation update summary
This annotation update included (details in table below):
7 new ORFs: OTO1/YGR227C-A, YHR052C-B, YHR054C-B, YJR107C-A, YKL104W-A, YLR379W-A, YMR008C-A
5 new ncRNAs: GAL10-ncRNA, TBRT/XUT_2F-154, SUT169, PHO84 lncRNA, GAL4 lncRNA
2 new uORFs for ROK1/YGL171W
1 new recombination enhancer: RE
1 new LTR: YELWdelta27
3 ORFs with shifted translation starts: HPA3/YEL066W, YJR012C, LTO1/YNL260C
1 ORF with shifted translation stop plus new intron: LDO45/YMR147W
Changed feature_type (and SO_term) for non-transcribed spacers: NTS1-2, NTS2-1, NTS2-2
New systematic nomenclature system for entire annotated complement of ncRNAs
Various sequence and annotation files are available on SGD's Downloads site.
R64.3 Annotation update detail
New systematic nomenclature system for noncoding RNA genes, introduced in R64.3
Details of 2011 Reference Sequence Update
The S. cerevisiae strain S288C reference genome sequence was updated in its first major complete update since 1996. The new genome sequence (R64.1.1, 2011-02-03) was compared to the previous version (R63.1.1, 2010-01-05) and corrected accordingly. The sequences of all 16 nuclear chromosomes were updated, resulting in amino acid sequence changes to the 194 proteins listed below. Note that in addition to these, silent changes were made in 42 ORFs. For more information and a complete set of sequence changes, please see:
Engel SR, et al. (2014) The Reference Genome Sequence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae: Then and Now. G3 (Bethesda) Mar 20;4(3):389-98.
SGD paper | PubMed | Full-Text