SGD Help: Search SGD

Searches at SGD provide access to information stored in the database. This help page gives you an overview of the searches available at SGD, along with detailed descriptions of the types of search parameters associated with each of the searches.


  • General Searches
    • Categories and Auto-Complete
  • Specialized Searches
    • Download and Analyze Searches
    • Advanced Search via YeastMine

General Searches

Search Categories and Auto-Complete

Virtually all information stored in SGD can be searched using the Search box available in the toolbar located at the top of most pages. It is case insensitive, and allows partial text searches. It also supports filtering by categories (initial choices displayed to the left). The initial search displays a list of the categories with the number of hits for each. Certain searches link directly to associated pages. Some examples include:

The search box is auto-complete enabled so that as the query is typed in, relevant options are listed right below the search box. If an option from the auto-complete list is chosen, then you are taken directly to that specific page corresponding to the match. For partial text queries the results can include matches in the following categories:

  • Systematic ORF names, standard gene names, reserved gene names, and aliases
  • Descriptions, name descriptions, and gene summary paragraphs
  • Notes (including Locus History and other notes)
  • Gene Ontology (GO) term names, synonyms, and identifiers
  • Biochemical pathway names, phenotype data, and chemicals
  • Author last names and initials, colleague full name and contact
  • Reference titles, SGD identifiers, and PubMed IDs
  • External database identifiers (e.g., E.C. numbers, UniProt IDs)

Specialized Searches

Download and Analyze Searches

Text files of search results filtered by the Genes category are generated by enabling the 'Wrapped' display option and clicking 'Download'. Selecting 'Analyze' from this search results page allows you to input the list of queried genes into a suite of analysis tools displayed below. The 'Download' and 'Analyze' options are also available after clicking result links in the following categories: Biological Processes, Molecular Functions, Cellular Processes, Chemicals, Observables, and Phenotypes.

Advanced Search via YeastMine

YeastMine allows you to make extremely flexible queries that combine different criteria (e.g., feature type, calculated pI, MW, chromosome number, GO annotations, etc.); import, export, and analyze lists of data; and much more. Most of the functionality of YeastMine is presented in a series of video tutorials and at the YeastMine help page.

In addition, the other specialized search tools (GO Term Finder, GO Slim Mapper, and SPELL) are also accessible from the (Sequence, Function, Literature and Community) categories listed on the tool bar.