US Bank Stadium

What to expect the day of an event.

When heading into downtown Minneapolis give yourself at least 30 minutes from the time you park to go through the first check-point and security, the second check-in inside the venue, validate your parking, grab your uniform and locate your volunteer spot. The arrivel time of the google sign-up sheet is when you should aim to reach the second check-in inside the venue.

Your day with start out with parking. Aramark provides free parking in the Gateway ramp. You can choose to park there or wherever you would like.

After parking head to the Mills Fleet Farm Ramp and go through your first check-in to receive a wrist band and walk through security. There is a table set up in the skyway with a sign that reads NPO check-in. Here you will give them your name and that you are with YDE. After, proceed through Security. 

Second check-in is at Section 118 inside the venue. Here you will walk up to the table and check-in giving your name and NPO (YDE). Then walk over to  applicable areas to receive your validation for free parking & polo shirt/ hat( if you are not sure where this is, ask the check-in associates). You must return the polo shirt and hat. 

Lastly, head to your assigned location. If you do not know where this is, ASK!!

If you are new, we recommend connecting with a seasoned volunteer to carpool and show you the process for the first time. 

Aramark provides free parking on event days

Gateway Ramp

400 3rd Street South Minneapolis, MN 55415 

Vehicle Entry

The Gateway ramp is located between 3rd Street and Washington Ave with entrances at: 

5th Ave- 233 S 5th Ave 

4th Ave- 298 S 4th Ave 

Make sure to grab a ticket and bring it with you to grab a validation at Section 118. The ramp is very busy, please plan for drive time, parking and walking to the first security check-point.  

Security check point: Mills Fleet Farm skyway. You must obtain a white security wristband. To enter the stadium you must go through the Mills Fleet Farm skyway.

You are more than welcome to find and pay for on street parking closer to the stadium too.