Spring Test Results

Due to the nature of our project and the setback caused by the state permitting process, we only have qualitative test results on the successful buoyancy of our prototype boom, which indicates that the boom could be successful if implemented. We do have quantitative test results from the sediment heavy metals testing done by Regulatory Services, which can be viewed below (bottom table) in comparison to EPA Standards (top table). This indicates that the sediment that would be dredged would be acceptable for transport without the expense of procedures associated with contamination.

The results of the final meeting with the neighborhood were only qualitative, but they indicated that the Homeowner's Association would proceed with plans to dredge instead of restore to stream. In the meantime, they were interested in the possibility of resubmitting a DOW application for the Trash Collecting Boom, as well as applying for the LFUCG Stormwater Grant for the Ultrasonic Algae Control Device.