
After discussion with LFUCG officials, funding up to $100,000 would be a potential possibility through the Neighborhood Stormwater Incentive Grants Program

As previously discussed, there is potential for grants and funding from sources like LFUCG, Kentucky Division of Water, and the EPA. These would be obtained for the improvement to habitat, ecology, and water quality that a constructed stream would provide over the current situation of an inadequately sized pond.

The most important parameters are the length of stream that will need to be constructed (875 ft.) and the amount of cut/fill material needed (1300 cubic yards of fill material). From a local contractor (EcoGro/Ridegewater) we obtained a rough estimate for pricing of $200-$300 per foot of constructed channel and $10 per cubic yard of fill material. Based off of these numbers our total cost estimation for the project comes to $190,000 - $290,000.