Active & Passive Fundraising

Our families at Woodland Meadows are doing a lot of wonderful things - THANK YOU! Your PTA works hard to enhance the learning experience of each child, but we need your continued support to help keep us going! 

We host ONE large fundraiser (Fun Run) each year, and several much smaller ones where we ask for your involvement and donations to the PTA. 

Besides the Fun Run and our other small fundraisers, there are some other ways you can help make a BIG impact and raise money for your PTA that won't cost you anything beyond your routine purchases. Woodland Meadows will earn money each time you sign up, shop, or dine at the following participating businesses.

Box Tops

Neatly clip the labels from participating products and tape/glue them to a collection template, or place them in a baggie or envelope. You can drop off full templates, or baggies, at the Box Tops collection box on the table under the display case next to the Woodland Meadows office, or turn them into your child's teacher. NEED A BLANK TEMPLATE? Check out the list of participating products! 

*Please do not send in expired Box Tops.* 

Busch's Cash for Education

To enroll, log into your MyWay account through Click the "Account" drop down under your name, and select "Cash for Education." Choose up to four organizations that you would like to support per quarter. Every purchase you make will earn up to 5% rewards for your designated organization(s), just be sure to use your MyWay card or phone number at checkout. Your organization(s) will receive a quarterly check for your participation. Don’t have a MyWay account? Sign up at and enjoy easier shopping and savings!