full name.first name, last name

also known as.

date of birth.DD/MM/YYYY

age.late 40s/early 50s



romantic orientation.homoromantic

sexual orientation.homosexual
current home.hogwarts

faceclaim.Jude Law


Albus Dumbledore was always gifted. Even as a young boy, magic came easy to him, and so did the desire to care for people. From the moment he entered Hogwarts, he was determined not to show people what they wanted to see. To not be the person they expected him to be. A muggle hater just like they said his father was. Even from a young age, he had a drive to show people wrong. To show them that their preconcieved notions about the world were wrong. Maybe that's why his best friend was a boy who had suffered from dragon box right before their first year.

It is no mystery that Albus' life was full of tragedy. From his sister being attacked by a group of muggles when she was younger, and his father being sent to azkahban for attacking the boys in question, tragedy followed him. Yet he always did his best to hold onto hope, and to not let the circumstances beat him down.

Still, he couldn't help but to feel trapped and wasted when his mother died. Having coming home early from his trip around the world with his best friend, Elphias, he didn't know what to do. Yes, he had chosen to return home, but that didn't mean he liked the prospect. A part of him wanted to be out exploring the world. Not taking care of his sick sister. Yet he still did.

That was, until Gellert Grindelwald came into his life. The boy completely enraptured Albus. Making him want to spend as much time with the other. They were both incredibly gifted and understood each other unlike anyone else had. So Albus started neglecting his sister, Ariana. Leaving her and his brother, Aberforth, for his meetings with Gellert. Where they shared ideas of taking hold of the world. Of making it better.

Eventually, Aberforth confronted Albus about it all. When Albus admitted regret for his actions, a fight broke out between the three boy. Causing Ariana's death and Gellert to flee. Albus was then left to clean up the mess and deal with the hate and blame his brother sent his way.

Eventually he became a professor at Hogwarts, but he continues to carry the weight of that day, and his choices, with him every day. Now he must prepare to fight the man he once loved as a boy. To save the world from his tyranny. He knows what he needs to do, but that doesn't make it any easier.



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse malesuada consequat ante vitae vulputate. Suspendisse ullamcorper ipsum arcu, eu auctor ex tempus quis. Vestibulum et tincidunt justo. Ut venenatis metus velit, id pretium ante mattis in. Proin quis commodo elit. Maecenas dapibus urna in lorem hendrerit porttitor. Vivamus consectetur ex sit amet tellus maximus tincidunt.