Student Success Center

What is the Student Success Center?

The Student Success Program (SSP), which operates out of the Walnut Hills Student Success Center (SSC), room 2701, is an extension of the successful Study Skills Program that was in existence for over 20 years. The program was designed to provide supports to junior high students who may be at risk for or who are currently struggling academically. The supports have proven, year after year, to increase student grades, social and emotional well-being, and overall success at Walnut Hills.

The Student Success Center- Room 2701-- in the A&S Wing.

Hours & Access

Teachers are also available for assistance during study halls by appointment.

For more information, contact

Christine Wickemeir:

Goals of the Student Success Center

● To increase academic outcomes for all junior high students at Walnut Hills. (academic outcomes—student retention, grades, standardized test scores)

● To increase social emotional learning awareness for all junior high students at Walnut Hills. (SEL competencies: Self Awareness, Social Awareness, Responsible Decision Making, Self-Management, Relationship Skills)

● To ensure all junior high students at Walnut Hills have equity of access to the top ranked and rigorous education and opportunities provided at WHHS.

● To support junior high students at Walnut Hills by teaching them how to problem solve and advocate in order to obtain the resources and skills they need to succeed.

Effective Study Skills for WHHS Students

In order to succeed at WHHS, students need to have strong study skills. Here are some important study strategies that new WHHS students should use in order to have an easier transition.

  • Manage Time Effectively/ Maintain a Planner

  • Keep Good Study Habits

  • Take Good Notes

  • Set Goals and Meet Them

  • Review Notes on a Regular Basis

  • Stay Organized

  • Make a Commitment to Learning

"DIY Moleskine Weekly Planner" by Graham Ballantyne is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Manage Time Effectively & Use a Planner

One of the most important skills a new student needs to learn is effective time management. Students need to learn that they are responsible for managing their time. Many students want to spend their time socializing, going out, getting on the computer, or texting, and it’s easy for them to forget about school responsibilities. The beginning of the school year is the best time for new students to learn how to manage their time. Having them keep a daily planner not only tells them their daily assignments, it teaches them important skills in managing their time. For more time management tips, click here.

"MAP student at desk" by pennstatenews is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Keep Good Study Habits

Good study habits are important for students as they go through WHHS. Some kids may have developed these habits during grade school, but for others, they may not be there yet. Here are a few basic study habits that are very important for students to have:

  • Be prepared for classes! Be on time!

  • Practice active listening.

  • Know the purpose of what you are reading.

  • Make sure you do all assignments and turn them in on time.

  • Develop a study plan for each class.

  • Study each day, in a designated area, even if there are no tests.

"Taking notes" by danielfoster437 is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Take Good Notes

Taking good notes is a very important skill for new WHHS students to learn. While students may have taken a few notes in grade school, more than likely they are not used to taking as many notes as they will at WHHS. Students cannot write down every single word the teacher says so they need to learn how to write just the key points. Watch this video for more tips

"Goal Setting" by angietorres is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Set Goals & Meet Them

The art of setting goals and meeting them is an important skill for all WHHS students. Many kids who don’t do well in school do so because they did not set goals. Students need to set reasonable goals in their classes of how they want to perform. If the goals are too high or unrealistic, it will only lead to disappointment and a lot of frustration.

"Robin, Studying" by Treehugger is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Review Notes on a Regular Basis

A big problem that many new WHHS students have is taking notes and then forgetting about them until it is test time. This can be a big problem and can lead to bad test grades. Cramming for tests is not a good practice. Students need to review their notes on a regular basis. It’s a good idea for them to take a look at their class notes each day. This way they keep the material fresh in their mind. It also keeps them from dealing with an overload of information, which can occur when trying to cram too much information in at once.

Use color coding to organize your Drive.

Stay Organized

Organizational skills are important for all students, but this is an area where many new WHHS students seem to struggle. Students should stay organized, not only at home, but with their school work as well. They should have a place for all their study materials, such as notebooks, planners, pens, books, and other materials so they do not lose them. Organization is a skill that will help students improve grades, since they won’t have the problem of losing homework or forgetting about important tests and quizzes. Learn more about organizing your Google Drive here. For tips for organizing life outside of Google, click here.

"Student" by CollegeDegrees360 is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

Make a Commitment to Learning

Last of all, a commitment to learning is also a skill that a new WHHS student needs to have. Students need to understand a good education is very important. High school is very relevant to the rest of your life these days. Employers and colleges both look at high school records. Motivation and a commitment to learning will help a student perform their best in school.

WHHS is definitely a whole new ball game for most students. It’s a lot harder, on an academic level and often on a social level. While there are challenges, with the right study skills to help them out, a student will perform well.

All tips adapted from the Guidance Department at Alamogordo High School

Time Management

Time Management Presentation SSC
Created by : Gabriella Sullivan

Christine Wickemeir