Module 4:

Avoid Plagiarism

What is plagiarism and how can you stay away from it?

In short terms, plagiarism is using someone else's ideas as you own. And that's not something anyone should do as a researcher.
Reading different sources and drawing your own conclusions is part of the process, but citing those sources correctly and attributing the knowledge to its original creator is also very important.

But plagiarism isn't ONLY using someone else's words

Plagiarism comes in many shapes and sizes. Reusing a friend's homework assignment, paying someone to do your work for you, or even just having a works cited page that doesn't actually help the reader find the same sources you used are all forms of plagiarism.

Model Paper

Sample biographical research 10AA paper

Don't rush through your Works Cited page

Those entries are your proof that the information you used on your essay came from reliable sources. Take the time to create a bibliography that will help your reader find the same books or articles you used. Remember: research is an ongoing conversation with everyone who's ever written about your topic.

After watching all the videos, can you take our short plagiarism quiz?