Module 2:

Evaluate sources

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The SIFT Method

Developed by Mike Caulfied, a digital literacy expert from Washington State University, the SIFT method asks you think critically when digging through information. By using this method, you can insure that you are working with valuable, accurate information-- whether that is for a research paper or on social media. This module will illustrate the best ways to use the SIFT method for research. 

Step One: STOP

This video introduces the notion of SIFT and gives rationale for evaluating sources beyond, “I need this for my research paper.” We are mired in information and this video quickly explains the importance of considering the source of all of your information. 


How do expert fact-checkers go about checking their facts? Check out this quick video to learn more. 


So many sources cite other sources--- so what's the value of tracing the original? Check out this quick video to find out the benefits. 


How do you know what is reliable?  How do you figure out which news outlets are the best? 

Now that you know HOW to SIFT, it's time to put those skills to use... 

.... but before you get too far, revisit the assignment.

Use the list on the left to revisit the parameters of the work you need to complete. Keep returning to the assignment throughout your project to make sure you haven't gotten off track. 

Use the Source Evaluation Guide to help you SIFT

Using the guide below will help you to evaluate all of your sources. If you would like a copy to print, click here.  You can also pick up copies of the guide in the library. 

Library Resource Evalution Tool 3.0.pdf