MLA & APA Citation

Citing your Sources

Most courses at Walnut that require research and citation use MLA citation. These guides can help your craft your works cited for an MLA style paper.


You learned in the plagiarism module that citing your sources can help prevent accidental plagiarism, but how exactly do you do it? Watch this quick video that explains best practices in MLA citation and uses the guides and models below. For even more help, reach out to any of your WHHS librarians.

How to Craft In-Text Citations

Check out these helpful guides from EasyBib that clearly illustrate how to structure in-text citations.

Model Paper

Sample biographical research 10AA paper

The Works Cited Page

Bibliography grades 7-8 MLA 8 april2018.doc
Bibliography grades 9-12 MLA 8 april2018.docx
APA Style Sheet

Need more information?

Check out these great resources from the Purdue Online Writing Lab.

NOTE: Unless APA is specified by your teacher, use MLA.