Google Docs

Making sure your essays are in correct MLA Format is really easy! But if you're still not sure how to do it, we got you.

Outlines will follow you all the way to college. Is the formatting getting you down? Meet your best friends, the decrease and increase indent buttons.

This example is on a Google Doc, but it applies to any kind of Google Suite assignment: if it doesn't have a name, it will make your teacher's lives harder - and nobody wants that!

The new citation tools in Google Docs are ACTUALLY good! Keep a copy of our Work Cited Style Sheet nearby for quick reference - but know that Google did a really good job on this new resource.

The following guide isn't strictly for Google Docs - it applies to any Google Suite file. If you need to share multiple files with people outside of our district, this is the easiest way to do it. You can also apply some of the instructions to individual Docs and Slides owned by you.

Creating a Google Drive Folder to Share Documents Outside of CPS