Past events and meetings

Monthly Sunday evening dates for future WD dowsing discussion meetings with a 7pm start

22nd Jan 2023  Dowsing for Shap stones - what we achieved in 2022 Chris Tonge

19th Feb 2023 Dowsing a new site - Sue Turnbull -This month’s topic is about dowsing a site new to you.  It’s a chance to chat about how you   approach a new site - do you do any dowsing, or research beforehand, or just dive in?  Any protocols that you use?  Do you take notes or not?  And take plenty of cake for sustenance?

19th March 2023    John Collins - Talking about water

Saturday 4th March 2023

An Archaeology Dowsing Workshop with Don Bryan

Hampshire Archaeological Dowsing Society 

Don Bryan BA (Hons.) from Hampshire Archaeological Dowsers is booked. 

The presentation is called "Seeing is Believing" and will include understanding the basic methods and principals from marking out a site with flags, to writing up reports and findings. 

This involves drawing to scale sites, photographing, recording and using geophysics along with excavation to back up the results.

£35 for the Day

A couple of places have become available

please email if you are interested

Don Bryan, an exceptional organiser, teacher and leader of workshops and field trips (BSD awards 2016*)

*British Society of Dowsers Don Bryan awarded The Avebury Cup 2016


Pauline Richards

4th February 2023

Past Life Advanced Dowsing Workshop

Connecting in with your spiritual self providing the answers we start with a meditation to connect with your higher self.

Using our techniques previously learnt we will be practising the following;

• Communicate with the higher mind

• Grounding; techniques to avoid distortion

• Learn Finger Dowsing for on the go

• Learn your birth details; timing; words first spoken

• How to release any childhood issues

• Working with family lineages for more ease in life

• What were your past lives? Exploration with practical sessions

    Bring along your own dowser or pendulum.

A fun workshop to bring you more clarity, confidence and insights to your life and why things might be repeating in this lifetime.

Alignments, Earth Energy & Ley lines: Co-incidence? What are the connections


Presentation by David Dickinson at Westmorland Dowsers, Shap

4th November 2023


David started by making us think about what we mean by coincidences and introduced us to his ‘coincidometer’ with its scale ranging from quite likely to almost impossible.  As an example from the top end of the scale we were shown an alignment from Birkrigg and Swinside stone circles to the Al-Aqsa Mosque (Dome of the Rock) in Jerusalem.  David’s presentation was enhanced by excellent photographs and helpful animated graphics.


Next, David took us on a tour of Gorton Monastery in Manchester which was opened as a church and Franciscan friary in 1872.  Amongst the features, that scored high on the coincidometer, that we were shown were:



(It was found after the talk that the Chartres Cathedral line also passes very close to the Sanctuary of Healing at Langho in Lancashire.)


How did the architect Edward Pugin and master builder Brother Patrick Dalton embed such features in the building in the 1860s?  It is only with the aid of Google Earth that we can fully appreciate these alignments.  Even now we don’t understand why!


David gave us a fascinating and well-illustrated presentation that stirred the imagination and left us wanting to learn more.  Fortunately David is keen to return to give us a further presentation next year.



For more information about Gorton Monastery see:


Gorton Monastery website www,the

‘Beggars and Builders – my Story of Gorton Monastery’ by Tony Hurley

AGM on Saturday 2nd December

at Shap Village Hall

Kettle on at 10 for 10:30 start

Bring and share lunch

Chris Tonge will be our speaker in the afternoon talking 

about his spiritual journey and the influence of dowsing on it 

'From the Mersey to the Ribble via Dragons'


   The Launch of WD Library