Dowsing & Holistic


Free talks & workshops @ the following Events;

Belief Mind, Body & Spirit Event

Saturday 25th March 2023

Morton Manor, Wigton Road, Carlisle. CA2 6JP

10-4pm. Admission is £5 for the full day.

For further information contact Fiona or Elaine;


Friends of Chances Park Fundraiser Mind, Body & Spirit Fair

Saturday 10th September 2022

Morton Manor, Wigton Road, Carlisle. CA2 6JP

10-4pm. Admission is £5 for the full day.

For further information contact Iris Rogan;


Sacred Haven Holistic Event

Sunday 12th March 2023

The Ennerdale Hotel, Cleator, West Cumbria CA23 3DT.

10am till 4pm Admission is £4 on arrival.

Please contact Emma Louise Summerfield
Sacred Haven Holistic Events FB & Instagram

07857044588 or  for more details/info


Roots of Life Health & Wellbeing

 We are looking forward to sharing with you wonderful Roots to Wellbeing Holistic Health Events in 2023. 

Dates for your diary in 2023:

 Saturday 28 January 2023 Morecambe Temple of Light, Morecambe (limited spaces)

 Sunday 5 March 2023 Shaw Hill Golf Club, Chorley

 Sunday 23 April 2023 Dalmeny, Lytham St Annes

 Sunday 12 November 2023 Abbey House Hotel, Barrow in Furness

We are looking for Wellbeing Practitioners, Holistic Therapists, Mediums, Healers, Speakers, Artists, Spiritual Gifts & Goods Retailers, Holistic and Health Professionals, Vegan & Nutrition Experts, Charities, plus much more …

Please send a message or E. if you are interested in a Stall. Or complete Booking Form link below

Contact: Deborah Brookes

10.30am – 4.30pm Entry is £5.


Hand Reading by Felicity

07967 658229

Here are the fairs and festivals I have lined up this spring. If you find me at a fair you can come for a taster reading and find out what makes you unique. If you just want to find out more about what I do, come and say "hello". I love talking to people about hand reading and will happily answer your questions.  

So come and see me at one of the following events:

Saturday 4th March - Sacred Haven Holistic and Spiritual Wellbeing Festival, 

10am-4pm George Hotel, Penrith, CA11 7SU

Sunday 5th March - Roots of Life Holistic Health Festival

10.30am - 4.30pm Shaw Hill Golf Resort and Spa, Whittle Le Woods, Chorley, PR6 7PP

Sunday 12th March - Sacred Haven Holistic Events

10am - 4pm Ennerdale Country House Hotel, Cleator, Cumbria, CA23 3DT

Saturday 25th March - Belief Mind Body Spirit Event

10am - 4pm Morton Manor, Wigton Road, Carlisle, CA2 6JP



Earth Healing Course

After changing my own life through my Earth Healing journey, I was called to dedicate my time to helping others find that place from which they can heal themselves and in turn, their lives.

Through my journey I've always worked with the land and buildings - through construction, garden design, feng shui, earth healing and shamanism. This course, which I call Gaia Love, is borne out of my life, my work and love of the planet. I've seen the way that we do things and how we have treated the earth and its time now to heal the hurt, clean up our energetic mess to help the Earth and her inhabitants evolve.

In this Earth Healing Course, you will:

Connect with like-minded people and learn how to nurture and heal our beautiful planet.

Through the seven parts of this course, you will discover how to:

•         Attune to the energy of the Earth

•         Connect to and commune with nature

•         Heal the energy of your home

•         Create a sacred space

•         Clear the energies of past human actions on the land

•         Re-harmonise geopathic stress in buildings and the land

•         Work with others in ceremonies to lift the energies of the planet

Through teachings, practical tasks and energetic work you will learn how to re-harmonise the land. You will be shown ways to connect with and tune into the Earth so that you can help her to heal, and in turn, heal yourself. You will be able to nurture and support her as she nurtures and supports all of us.

This Gaia Love course takes place over seven days, one month apart between the Spring and Autumn Equinoxes in 2023. You will need one further day to carry out 'home work' in between the course days.

I have a list of provisional dates for those wanting to take part in person in the cabin, here in the Lake District - don't worry if you can't make some of the dates as I will hold catch up days to ensure you stay on track.

Also, let me know if you would rather take part online or on a 1-2-1 basis and I will arrange these separately.

If you want to do this course then it will work out.

18th March - The Planet, The Earth, Gaia - her essence, her energies, Earth Attunement


29th April - We are Nature - tuning in, communing, seasons and cycles, Aligning with the Divine Self


20th May - Make good your shelter - map dowsing, healing your home, geopathic stress


24th June - Sacred Space - gridding, crystals, space clearing, sensing energies, spirit of place


22nd July - Healing with Gaia - healing the land, rod dowsing, earth acupuncture, anchors


19th August - Distant Connections - crystal grids, sacred geometry, mapping, prayer, distance healing


23rd September - Earth Ceremony - honouring Gaia, ceremonies and rituals, group ceremony to heal the land

Additional work and case studies are also required to complete the course.

Throughout the six months, there will be time spent out in nature, time creating, doing practical tasks, and time spent in reflection. A safe and supported space is offered to learn and experience your personal journey to becoming an Earth Healer.

A 25% reduced introductory price is offered for 2023: An initial payment of £250 before the course starts and then six further monthly payments of £250 (payment plans available).

Let me know if you are interested and we can have a chat to ensure that the course is a good fit for you and get your place booked.

Sheila Marr Healing

+44  07919248794