Helen Kirk's talk was on Saturday 1st July 2023 on mathematical shapes in nature from microcosm to macrocosm and much more!

Recent Meeting

Saturday 1st July

Helen Kirk BSc (Hons)

Reiki and Sound Practitioner

After discovering meditation and Reiki Healing in my 20's I became fascinated by what lies at the interface and beyond our current state of reality. I set off on a global journey to seek out knowledge, skills, extraordinary experiences and to visit some of the most awe inspiring sacred sites across the world. I became fascinated by all things esoteric and having studied Sound Therapy I discovered that the field of sound and vibration provided a holistic view of all aspects of creation and therefore re-creation or healing

In my July talk I would like to share some of my knowledge and experiences of sound and vibration and take you on a journey of creation from the macrocosm to the microcosm. I will show you how the god code PHI resonates throughout nature in all shapes and forms, from galaxies and planets, to the human form. I will take you on a sonic experience from the big bang, through the music of the spheres, to the Schumann resonance of the earth, all the way to the healing frequencies for your body. As a lifelong dowser, I will share my experiences while exploring the possible links between frequency and the earth grids, ley lines and the location of stone circles and sacred sites. Lastly we will explore the specific frequencies linked to those sites across the world known for their archeoacoustics. This is more than a talk, it is a sonic experience and I look forward to sharing this experience with you.   


Recent past meetings 

Extra Meeting Monday 19th June

Castlerigg stone circle 

Led by Mo and Dee from Westmorland Dowsers

  **  Meet first at Base Camp (A66)  **

at 09:30 

Cocklakes House Lake, Penrith, CA11 0SG

Coffee Tea and Toilets available,

cars can be left here and car share to Castlerigg


Saturday 3rd June

Kettle on at 10:00 for 10:30 am start

George MacKenzie

Healer Dowser

George has been involved in healing either as a client or as a practitioner most of his life.

He trained in bioenergy therapy in 2000  which gave him a unique understanding into how illness manifests and how we can help to promote the natural healing response .Bioenergy itself is a fascinating therapy which he has been able to further develop in the successful treatment of horses and other animals.  However he is habitually an investigator by nature which is what lead him into learning and the practising the art of dowsing. 

Over the last 10 years George has been able to successfully merge the two disciplines together, bioenergy and dowsing and in so doing has created a unique way to understand and treat other people or animals afflicted by a wide range of some common and some not so common illness and symptoms. 

It was after he was involved as an active bystander in 2 of his friends recovery’s from serious health situations George began to formulate his unique method in treating others illness.

Presently his method of working, anyone can learn, keeps producing consistently good results.

Integral to these results are his Unique Vibrational Reports which have grown and developed into the key behind successful healing responses he witnesses, helping to align the frequencies emitted by his clients. 

Anyone who can dowse can learn to use this technique and can affect positively with a simple 8 step structure another’s ability to heal. His presentation will include this practical aspect, along with demonstrations, practical advice on health issues and how to resolve those long standing symptoms and just what we can do as dowsers to resolve our own and others health issues.

May 13th 2023

Joan Harthan

Dowsing your Dreams 

  www.docdreamuk.com/ www.joharthan.co.uk

"I'm very much looking forward to speaking to your Dowsing Group.  My aim is to give you an overview of working with dreams to discover useful information, not only for your dowsing pursuits but also for your life.  I'm calling it Dowsing Your Dreams because it's rather like that.  The only difference is that your dowsing tool isn't a pair of rods or a pendulum, it's your intellect and intuition working together.

We will also consider dreams that seem to contain trans-personal elements.  This will illustrate that not everything in a dream is necessarily a projection from the unconscious mind of the dreamer.  I will then talk about how you can use your dreams to help you in the sort of dowsing you're more familiar with, a practice often used in 'Psychic Archaeology'. "

Joan Harthan

Books by Joan Harthan PhD


* Information on how dreams have 

been viewed throughout time.

*Tips on how to remember and 

record your dreams.

*Ten dream working techniques 

grounded in dream science.


*Step by step guide to using the ancient 

ritual of dream incubation.

*How to journey into the realms of the 


*How to induce lucid dreams

*Ten advanced dream working 



* A handbook of thirty dream-working 

techniques that can be used by 

individuals, groups, teachers or 


*Also contains a detailed lesson plan 

for children aged 7-11

Dreams are messages from yourself to yourself - trouble is, they speak a

different language to you and can be hard to understand. Dreaming

Yourself Aware gives a structured approach to dream interpretation that

will enable you to understand yourself and your dreams a whole lot

better. You will learn to work creatively with your dreams to make better

life choices and open new doors into awareness and understanding of

yourself and others. It will show you how to translate your dreams into

positive action for change.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Saturday 1st April 2023

Mike Newton and The Gatekeeper Trust 



Joint meeting with The Westmorland Dowsers

Saturday April 1st 2023, 10:00 - 3pm

Venue: Shap Memorial Hall, Shap, Cumbria CA10 3NR

Friends of Gatekeeper Trust have been invited to join with Westmorland Dowsers for a day of talks and exploration around the Shap Landscape Temple.

This was one of the most important Neolithic centres in Britain, comprising stone circles linked by an avenue of standing stones with associated burial mounds. In its day it was almost as large as Avebury and mirrored that centre's model of stone circles joined by avenues of standing stones. Sadly over the years the stones have disappeared being used for farm buildings and walls (and possibly in the building of Shap Abbey nearby) but we have the records of various antiquarian investigators from the 17th and 18th centuries showing the layout of the Temple.

The Westmorland Dowsers have been working in the landscape for a number of years looking at the disposition of the stones and refining our picture of the area. Gary Biltcliffe and Caroline Hoare explored the area in their work for their book The Spine of Albion (2012) and showed the importance of Shap in the wider landscape of Britain, linking Shap with other sacred places on the spine to north and south.

Please join us for what promises to be an exciting day in this important area.

For more information please contact Mike Newton mnewton998@virginmedia.com