Membership Application

Membership runs from January 1 to December 31 each year, for a set fee of £20  per person. If you join on or after June 1st, the fee is £10.  This entitles members to a discounted entry to all meetings during that year. 

The preferred method of payment is bank transfer.    

Westmorland Dowsers  

Sort code:​​ 16-52-21

Account  no.​​ 5425 5503                 Please use reference:  WD subs

You can also complete an application form at any meeting and pay by cash or cheque.

Under the terms of the General Data Protection Regulations 2018, (GDPR), we are required to ensure that members give informed consent before any personal data can be held on file. By providing the following information you are giving your consent to it being used by Westmorland Dowsers for the purpose of contacting you regarding meetings and other business specifically associated running the group throughout your membership. It will not be used for any other purpose without your further consent in writing.

Please complete the following form and press SUBMIT.  You may have to scroll down for the button.

Westmorland Dowsers

Affiliated to the British Society of Dowsers


Website: or search Westmorland Dowsers