Westmorland Dowsers 2024

Outdoor Dowsing

Saturday 6th July

Onsite at 10.30am

Long Meg and Little Meg

Leaders Janet and Rose

Directions – leave the M6 at junction 40 on the A66 then take the A688 to Alston. After crossing the river Eden, turn left in Langwathby to Little Salkeld. Drive through Little Salkeld.  

About half a mile north of the village the stone circle is signposted to the left (at a small cross roads) up a track to Long Meg farm.  

There is a new car park just before the stone circle field with a short walk along the road to the site.

There are cows in the field – they are used to visitors.  The site is level with a few lumps and bumps and as usual be prepared for 4 seasons in one day!

The pub in Langwathby opens at 12.00 to serve food and has the nearest toilet facilities. There is also a café at Melmerby - 4 miles away .       

Information about the Long Meg and her Daughters site.

The stone circle is considered to be the third largest in England after Avebury and Stanton Drew.

Classed as a large, irregular oval stone circle and one of only 45 known in England measuring 350 feet on the long axis 

Possibly 70 stones originally - 59 stones today -  27 upright stones.

Long Meg is 12 feet high with the four corners facing the points of the compass.

Stands 80 feet south west of the circle.  Made of local red sandstone? from the river Eden 2 miles away. 

Long Meg is decorated with cup and ring marks as well as other designs including spirals, concentric circles, ovoids and curved lines.

Daughters made up of greenstone, limestone and a granite (rhyolite )glacial erratics according to Gary Biltcliffe – The Spine of Albion.  Late Neolithic/ Early Bronze age (c.2400 – 1000BC)

The circle may have been constructed as a meeting place for religious ritual or burials . Could it have been used to mark important solar or lunar events such as sunrise / sunset at midsummer or midwinter.  Maybe it marked the passing of the seasons – like a calendar.  Long Meg does align to the midwinter sunset when viewed from the centre of the circle.  Over the years it was probably used for a variety of things.

Gary Biltcliffe suggests that the Elen energy line enters the site through the south – facing edge of Long Meg then passes through the circle between the portal stones at the south west entrance to the centre, following the shadow of the mid- winter solstice. At this point, Elen crosses 2 other energy currents – one male, the other female. As Elen crosses a large recumbent stone at the northeast quadrant, she changes path to the north, passing into an area which aerial photography shows as the site of a large ditched enclosure or henge.

The edge of the prehistoric enclosure touches the stone circle to the north where it flattens to form an oval. It is thought that the enclosure pre dates the circle and influenced the shape.  Probably Bronze age (c2000 – 00BC).                        

The cursus enters the site in the south west corner and runs on either side of Long Meg.  The function is unknown but they are presumed to be ritual/ ceremonial monuments of the middle and late Neolithic (3300-2500BC).

Aerial photographs suggest that there is an associated cursus (linear earthwork) and a prehistoric enclosure on this site too.  Westmorland Dowsers can test their skills in finding these ancient structures. There is plenty of scope to ask questions to understand more about the history of the area.

This information is taken from the Altogether Archeology website and stone-circles.org.uk

Janet Cox 28/09/19

Next Event       Outdoor Dowsing

DATE Saturday 3rd August

TIME         10.30am

VENUE Moor Divock

SPEAKER Leaders Chris and Anne



On Saturday 1st June 2024 we had a successful outdoor dowsing day on Ironhill and back in the hall the new WD library cupboard was stocked

Outdoor Dowsing

Meet at 10.30 am

Shap Memorial Hall

CA10 3NR

Leaders Anne and Chris

A visit to local site 

Iron Hill cairns/circles

A discussion on Dowsing

 📚 WD Library books available 📚

Westmorland Dowsers are a very friendly group of around 40 members 

Meetings are most often held on the first Saturday in the month

Why not come along and join in

Shap Memorial Hall

Main Street

Shap CA10 3NR

Join Westmorland Dowsers for £20 per annum and £5 per meeting thereafter

Visitors welcome £10 per day

Occasionally we have a special event with a set fee


At our April meeting

Our very own Chris Tonge presents

Are you being EMF'd?

Saturday 6th April

Kettle on at 10 am for 10.30 am start

🫖 ☕☕☕☕☕☕ 🫖

All welcome

Shap Memorial Hall

CA10 3NR

Chris Tonge asks: What natural and human-generated electromagnetic fields are influencing us?  

How to check them by dowsing and with instruments

What can we do to avoid or minimise detrimental effects  

With plenty of demonstrations and opportunities to dowse


Our March 2024 meeting saw David Dickinson returned to intrigue members with a presentation and popular discussion on 

Interconnectedness: physics and spirituality

Hello Everyone,

Following his fascinating talk, 'Interconnectedness: Physics and Spirituality', to WD earlier this month, David has provided the following references for those who wish to delve deeper:

Henryk Skolimowski (1994) The Participatory Mind: A New Theory of Knowledge and of the Universe (Arkana S.) 

Bethe Hagens  (2006) The Divine Feminine in Geometric Consciousness 


With best wishes,


David Dickinson Returns!

🐲 Members enjoyed Helen Kirk's comprehensive presentation on dragon energies with dragon meditations on 

Saturday 3rd February 2024

Helen Kirk BSc (Hons) 

Usui and Angelic Reiki Master

 Sound Master Practitioner



I came across the term Ascension in my 20’s when exploring meditation, healing and all things esoteric and the idea of Ascension or becoming Enlightened then become the goal of my life. Later I realised that there was a bigger agenda and that Mother Earth and everyone on her was transitioning to a higher dimension and that many lightworkers have indeed incarnated to assist in this transition.

I also realised early on that I was not walking my spiritual path alone, but that I came to Earth equipped with a team of wise and loving helpers in the form of Angels, Archangels, Nature Spirits, Spirit Guides, Ascended Masters, Intergalactic Masters and other high vibrational beings including the Dragons. 

The Dragons

The Dragons are wise loving beings of the Angelic Realm and they have asked me to open you up to their presence so that they can serve you personally and they ask that you help serve Mother Earth as you purposely work with the ley lines of the Planet. 

Assisted by the Dragons, I would like to offer the following;

If you are just starting to connect with Dragons this will be a magical experience, and if you are already working with them this experience will deepen your connection to them.

First Meeting in 2024

Zoom meeting on Saturday 13th January 2024 at 10:30am

Nigel Twinn

An illustrated talk 'Scillonia and Beyond'  - Dowsing on the Scilly Isles and beyond.   

Zoom meeting starting at 10.30am

Zoom link will be sent to Members in the week prior to the event 

Saturday 13th January             

Nigel Twinn, the well-known dowser and dowsing author from Devon, will giving an illustrated talk

'Scillonia and Beyond'  - Dowsing on the Scilly Isles and beyond.   

Zoom meeting starting at 10.30am

Nigel, the well-known dowser and author from Devon, will be talking about his dowsing experiences in 'Scillonia and Beyond'.  

Nigel says, "The Isles of Scilly are further from Lands End than Dover is from Calais. The IoS have a different feel - sharper, clearer, less trawled over. As such, the energies there feel subtly crisper and certainly different. There are many parallels with other Celtic locations, notably in Brittany - and perhaps more so there than with the English/Cornish mainland.


Video and photography permissions

In presentations at Westmorland Dowsers, video and photography permissions are required from both WD committee and the invited speaker.  This approach aims to respect the privacy of attendees who may not wish to be recorded.

The focus on filming the presentation allows for documentation, sharing, or promotional purposes. This is designed to maintain a respectful and comfortable environment for all participants.