Poezija & višejezičnost

We have decided to network with other European schools in order to promote multilingualism as well as poetry and art in general. Teachers and students will benefit from working on this project by developing their soft skills, language and ICT skills. Students will take an active part in their education by working on poetry. This project will make them more aware of European cultural heritage. The languages used in this project will be Croatian, English, German, Italian, Polish, Spanish and Turkish. As for the schools, this project will increase schools’ visibility locally, nationally and internationally. The method used in this project will be blended learning where modern will be combined with the traditional. We will use web 2.0 tools and develop students’ creativity at the same time.

Creativity With Poetry Exhibition in SŠBJJ, Zaprešić

After finishing a two-year eTwinning project, we have organized two exhibitions, one in our school gallery Anima and the one, online. Our online exhibition, besides exhibits, consisted of the opening ceremony and interactive games.

Gallery Anima

Online exhibition

Creativity With Poetry - international online exhibition

At the end of the project, together with our partners from Vrbovec, Alytus (Lithuania), Reszel (Poland) and Istanbul (Turkey), we have prepared an online exhibition together with our international opening ceremony.

eBook: Our Poets in Other Languages

Blackout Poetry Exhibition

International online opening ceremony

Media coverage

Creativity with poetry was followed by different types of media. Here just a couple of examples.

School magazine Ban

skole.hr platform: Poezija i kreativnost

TV Zapad: Veliki i mali