Adding an image

Either download the Image of TeMataPeak

Or using a screen capture tool (like Snip & Sketch in Windows) to capture the image below and save TeMataPeak.jpg into your images folder

Trouble shooting

The basic format is <img src="imagename"> or if you have your image in a folder called images <img src="images/imagename">

Things to watch out for

1. you have used src (source) not scr (screen)

2. the image is in the right place.

a. if it is in the same folder as the html file <img src="imagename">

b. If it is in a folder (called images) that is the same folder as the html file <img src="images/imagename">

c. If you have two folders in your webfolder called html and images then it's probably like <img src="../images/imagename">

3. Whatever you do do not have a "/" as the start of the filename/path.

4. Are you sure you are referring to the correct file (e.g. it doesn't have a double extension, it is the right file type)

5. Are the quotes in the right places.