
Notepad++ is a great free HTML editing tool. It is not What you see is what you get (WYSIWYG) but after the file is saved with the relevant file extension it will provide context highlighting, which is very useful when you try to debug your code


Downloading application software from the Internet

As always be careful when downloading any software from the Internet that you read the pop-up screens so you don't end up installing unwanted software. Also the "buttons" on screen are not alweays the ones you want, sometimes it is a text link for the actual software.


Problem: The Launch in <browser> is missing or returns errors

Solution: the run > launch in [browser name] has been disabled for default installs, due to data security concerns. It is better to use the Development Famework described elsewhere in this tutorial and have 3 windows open.

  1. Notepad++

  2. Windows Explorer/File Manager

  3. Your web browser (it is easiest to double click on the HTML file in Windows Explorer/File manager and this should open up your preferred browser with the HTML file